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Please note that you will stillbeable to completeapaper-basedformatIELTS test, if
youprefer. The test willbe heldon selecteddaysandregistration will close fourdays
before the testdate, subjectto theavailability of seats

So,what isnewaboutcomputer-deliveredIELTS?

If you choose the new option, you willtake the Listening, Readingand Writingsections usinga computer. The Speakingtest willremain face-to-face,as webelieve itis themost effective way ofassessingyour speakingskillsandpromptsamore lifelikeperformance.All otheraspects of the testare identical, whetheritis taken onpaper or on computer. Results for computerdeliveredIELTS willbeavailable 5-7daysafter you finishall sections of yourtest.

Benefits of computer-deliveredIELTS:

  • Multiple sessionsper week
  • Results in 2–5days
  • الاختبارات الأكاديمية والتدريبية العامة اختبارات المحادثة في نفس اليوم
  • Sameday Speaking tests
  • Noise cancelling headphones for the Listening test Smallgroups
  • Modernpurpose-buildlabandSpeakingrooms

An IELTS CD Test Now